How to Use Domain Analytics to Identify Your Competitors in One Click

How to Use Domain Analytics to Identify Your Competitors in One Click

Date & Time
July 1, 2023
Reading time
5 mins
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Lopamudra Barik

Collecting data might be a laborious task if you're not a data scientist. Even more time is needed to study it and develop conclusions. But what if you could use our collection of tools to complete it with just one click? Even for free, you could.


You may quickly study the data of your rivals with the aid of our collection of domain analytics tools. You have access to a lot of data, so it's helpful to first comprehend what there ports mean. Expose Your Competitors Right Away Using Domain Analytics.


Step 1: In the Organic Search tab, check out the organic traffic of your competitors. View the distribution of their most popular organic keywords as well as those of their main organic competitors.


Step 2: Examine their paid search strategy in the Paid Search Traffic tab. Find out who their primary competitors are that charge money and examples of the adverts they use.

Step 3: Go to the Backlinks tab and look at the backlinks report to see where they are linking. Learn more about referring domains, indexed pages, backlink and anchor types, and follow/no follow links in depth.

How to Determine the Domain Authority Score

Any website's Authority Score is displayed at the top of our Domain Overview report, which is available without charge. You can use this tool for free to evaluate up to ten domains each day.


You may see all of the information we have on a given domain as soon as you input it. Want to understand everything on the dashboard even more simply? To generate a report automatically, click the Export to PDF option.

Send it to your team members or go through the report yourself to rapidly form conclusions. To constantly stay one step ahead of your rivals, you can arrange the reports to be sent out once a week or once a month.

Organic Search

Let's begin by taking a look at the organic search traffic for a domain. When it comes to comprehending only the organic portion of your search, here is the place to be.

Let's examine the organic search traffic for our example site in this specific instance. The 17.9 million blue number indicates the approximate monthly traffic this site receives from organic keywords.


This is an excellent technique to rapidly estimate the SEO traffic of your competitors even though you may already be aware of the organic search traffic to your website from Google Search Console.

Remember that this is an average monthly figure based on the search terms for which we discovered this domain ranking in Google's top 100 results.


The amount of keywords, traffic cost, branded traffic, and non-branded traffic may all be examined using organic search data in addition to the anticipated traffic volume.

You can see how many users are arriving at the domain via keywords, while branded and non-branded traffic displays the corresponding traffic.

Analyse the cost of traffic

Finally, Traffic Cost calculates how much you would have to pay per month in Google Ads to appear where this website currently appears in organic search results.

Based on the CPC and the volume of traffic the domain receives from it, you may determine how valuable a domain's SEO rankings are using this method.

Traffic from Organic Search

On the Overview page, go down to the Organic Search section. The widget for organic search traffic is emphasized at the top of the dashboard, which you can see as you scroll down. These widgets will highlight to correspond with the part you are in as you scroll further down.


Top Organic Keywords is the first widget in the area for organic research. It also displays the volume, CPC, and traffic percentage of the top search terms for the website.

Here, "Traffic% "is an estimate of the proportion of all organic search traffic to the domain that originates from each keyword.

Paid Search

When viewing a domain from a Paid Search angle, you may see the bid information of your rivals. In this illustration, we can see that 552.4K monthly visits to our sample site are primarily attributable to paid search ads.


When you click on this sponsored search traffic number, the Advertising Research report will be displayed. You may get an even more thorough breakdown of a domain's paid traffic right here.

The keywords, traffic, and traffic cost will all be displayed. The difference from the previous month is shown by the percentage change.

Paid Search Activity

The Paid Search part can be thought of in the same way as the Organic Search component. When it comes to top Keywords and Competitors, Paid Search displays information that is identical to that of Organic Search.


The position trend distribution and competition position maps apply similarly. The section on sample ad sat the bottom is the primary additional distinction between Organic and Paid. This will display the Ad Copy used by your rivals in their Paid Search campaigns.



The websites that connect to the domain may be seen under Backlinks. You can see that there are 108.8million backlinks for our example site. An overview of the backlink data we can locate for a domain may be seen in the Backlinks section of the Domain Overview page.


The sample of individual backlinks referring to the requested domain will be the first subsection provided. We can go at the Link URL and the referring page title in this area. When we look at the Top Anchors section, we may learn more about the domain's backlinks. This will reveal the most frequently used anchor text in their backlinks.

The number of domains using this specific anchor and the number of backlinks using this anchor text will both be shown by this widget. The backlinks displayed match the referring domains section. This information reveals which domains are directing the most backlinks to the domain in question.

Consider building links to your website from the top referring domains of your competitors to see if you can outrank them.


You may use this tool to its maximum potential and learn as much as you can about your competitors 'online marketing tactics now that you know how to expose your rivals.

By using the methods listed above, you can begin to analyse some of your main rivals to see where you need assistance catching up to your SEO and PPC rivals.


What is domain analytics?

Domain analytics is a process of analyzing and gathering data related to a specific domain or website. It involves collecting information about the website's performance, traffic, keywords, backlinks, and other relevant metrics to gain insights and make informed decisions.

Why is it important to identify competitors using domain analytics?

Identifying competitors using domain analytics allows you to understand the competitive landscape within your industry or niche. It helps you assess your position in the market, identify potential threats, and uncover opportunities for growth. By studying your competitors' strategies, traffic sources, and audience engagement, you can develop more effective marketing and business strategies.

How can domain analytics help in identifying competitors in one click?

Domain analytics tools and platforms provide comprehensive reports and analysis of various domains or websites. By entering your own domain into such tools, you can generate a report that includes information about your competitors. These reports typically include competitor websites, their traffic sources, organic keywords, top-performing content, and other valuable insights—all accessible with just a single click.

What are some popular domain analytics tools to identify competitors?

Several domain analytics tools are available that can help you identify competitors quickly. Some popular options include SEMrush, Ahrefs, Moz, SimilarWeb, and SpyFu. These tools provide detailed domain reports and competitor analysis, enabling you to gain valuable insights into your competition with minimal effort.

How does competitor analysis benefit businesses?

Competitor analysis offers numerous benefits to businesses, including: Identifying market trends and opportunities for growth. Understanding competitors' strategies, strengths, and weaknesses. Discovering untapped keywords and traffic sources. Improving marketing and advertising campaigns by learning from successful competitors. Identifying potential threats and staying ahead of the competition. Adapting pricing, product features, or services to outperform competitors. Enhancing customer experience by learning from competitors' best practices.

How often should businesses perform competitor analysis using domain analytics?

The frequency of competitor analysis using domain analytics may vary depending on your industry, business goals, and the pace of change within your competitive landscape. However, it is generally recommended to perform competitor analysis regularly, such as on a quarterly or monthly basis, to ensure that you stay informed about any changes, emerging trends, or new competitors that could impact your business.

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