On-Page SEO with Our Comprehensive Checklist for New Websites

On-Page SEO with Our Comprehensive Checklist for New Websites

Date & Time
May 24, 2023
Reading time
5 mins
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Lopamudra Barik

Of all the digital marketing options available to you, search engine optimization, in my experience, is the one that leaves new store owners scratching their heads the most.


The majority of us use and rely on tools like Google every day, but, at least initially, most people don't instinctively comprehend how search engines index and rank online pages. That's why I was pleased to respond to a question we received regarding where to start:

I've discovered that, even though ecommerce SEO is, in the end, a long-term investment, new store owners may gain a lot by developing a straight forward approach and ensuring that their storefront complies with established best practices.

I've created an easy-to-follow checklist with my recommended steps for getting started to assist you in doing just that.

Step 1- Set up suggested tools

Step 2- Using Google Search Console

  • Utilizing the Search Console account you just created, submit your sitemap to Google.  To look for any crawling issues, use Google Search Console. Through bots that "crawl" the website and its pages, search engines index websites. When a bot tries to access a certain page (or site) but is unsuccessful, it makes a crawling error. Work to correct any issues right away if you receive a warning. 
  • Typof store creates a sitemap automatically, which is a list of all the pages on your website. A sitemap provides information about how your website is organized to Google and other search engines. Typof store owners can access their sitemaps by visiting [www.yourstore.com/sitemap.xml] if you're interested.

Step 3- keyword analysis

  • To find key word ideas and learn how many people are searching for a particular topic, use Google's Keyword Planner. You should get acquainted with Google's own Keyword Planner. When we refer to "search volume," we mean the approximate monthly search volume for a certain keyword.
  • Link content types and keywords. Your website's product pages, categories, blog entries, and homepage all have the potential to rank for various keywords. In fact, key word research can help you decide which pages to start with.
  • For instance, some of your pages might target informational searches (such as "what is aromatherapy"), while others might target keywords with a lower search traffic but ones that suggest a purchase intention (such as "buy aromatherapy bottles").

Step 4 -Page optimization

  • Make sure each of your pages has one and only one H1 tag. H1 (header 1) tags are frequently use a page's primary headline and typically contain the page's primary keywords. Avoid manually adding an H1 tag anywhere else on the page; Typof page titles are the default H1 tag for pages generated using Typof.
  • To avoid being cut off in the search results, keep your page titles under 60 characters. The majority of page titles are currently displayed by Google in their entirety after the first 50–60 characters, so be sure to place your primary keywords close to the start of the title.
  • Additionally, keep in mind that you can format your page title such that it resembles a list rather than an editorial title or a whole phrase. To emphasize important details, you might use callouts or the proper characters (such as brackets or dashes).
  • Try to keep your meta descriptions under 155 characters and concise. There is no precise character limit for meta descriptions, according to Google. According to research by Moz, many meta descriptions are trimmed down between 155 and 160 characters. To adapt, start your meta description with your goal keywords and the strongest copy possible, and attempt to stay under 155 characters.
  • Create human understandable page titles that are engaging. You should include relevant key words in your page titles and meta descriptions as well as a clear explanation of the content on the page to entice readers to click. Don't overlook the readers of your copy: Being visible in search results is only one aspect of the job; you also need to persuade users to visit your page rather than any of the other alternatives.
  • Your page's URL should include a keyword. Owners of Typof stores should be aware that a page title becomes the URL by default. I advise including your aim while avoiding unnecessary filler terms in URLs (notice the URL we're utilizing for this particular blog article).

Step 5 – Link

  • Make a plan for link building. A ranking criteria for search engines like Google is the quantity, quality, and relevance of links pointing to a certain page or website. Links serve as "citations" that build credibility in the eyes of search engines.
  • The best method to go about "building links" in my opinion is to concentrate on partnerships, or figure out who (publishers, other websites in your field) you can offer and share value with. A straightforward introduction can be the beginning of a productive connection if you know a beauty blogger who frequently evaluates the skin care products you sell.
  • Examine the earned connections and mentions of your competitors. You may find out which websites and pages are linking to your rivals by using tools like Moz's Link Explorer and Ahrefs Site Explorer. Understanding the context why these websites choose to link to your rivals is very helpful.
  • Why was the page deserving of a link? Finding these patterns can help you generate ideas for who partners to work with and how you can add enough value to be mentioned, such as if competitive stores frequently appear in gift guides.
  • Look for chances to get media attention. For ideas on how to get a notice on other websites, start by reading our guide to getting press coverage. Consider employing a brand monitoring tool to detect "unlinked" mentions of your shop or items on other websites if you've already gained some traction. Once you get an alert, you can kindly request that the author or magazine add a link.

Step 6- Content

Create a simple content marketing plan and get to work. It can take months to plan and implement a comprehensive content marketing strategy, but that doesn't mean there aren't quick tasks you can undertake to get going:

  • Match questions with search terms using keyword research: Of course, the actual terms that people are searching for should be coupled with content ideas.
  • Aim for 500 words or less for blog articles and informational pages. Although material that is clear and brief is beneficial, it typically takes a certain amount of time to thoroughly address a query and increase the likelihood that it will show up in search results. The majority of inquiries need for at least a few hundred words, although quality is considerably more crucial than quantity.
  • Be creative with your product descriptions. Your website's content should be entirely unique and written with your store in mind. Don't, for instance, use manufacturer-provided product descriptions. You have the opportunity to promote the characteristics and advantages of your items more effectively when you write your own descriptions.


Step 7 -Developing a reputation

Create accounts for your company on more sites including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. Registering your name on social media sites while you're still building your brand can help you safeguard your identity in the future and provide people a place to find you right now.

Keep to the channels where you intend to contact and sell to potential clients when linking to your social media accounts from your store.

Step 8 - Set up a fundamental SEO curriculum

Keep up with the latest developments in search by keeping a reading list. There is a lot more to learn about SEO, and as search technology advances, this field experiences numerous tiny, frequent changes. You can start by reading articles from Webmaster Central and Think With Google to get updates directly from Google.


The reason we use search engines in the first place to find things we want or remember things we've seen will not change, even though the way people use them will continue to change. 

Keep this link between user experience and search engine optimization in mind while you develop your website. These two factors appear to advance in lockstep as search technology advances, therefore the simplest approach to delight a search engine is to provide solutions for its users.


What is on-page SEO?

On-page SEO refers to the optimization techniques implemented directly on a website's pages to improve its search engine rankings. It involves optimizing content, HTML source code, and other elements to make the website more accessible and relevant to search engines.

Why is on-page SEO important for new websites?

On-page SEO is crucial for new websites because it helps search engines understand the content and purpose of each page. By implementing on-page SEO techniques, you can improve your website's visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) and increase the chances of attracting relevant organic traffic.

How can I optimize page titles for on-page SEO?

To optimize page titles, ensure they are concise, descriptive, and include relevant keywords. Place the primary keyword closer to the beginning of the title and aim for a length of around 50-60 characters to avoid truncation in search engine results.

What is the role of meta descriptions in on-page SEO?

Meta descriptions are short snippets that provide a summary of a webpage's content. Optimize meta descriptions by keeping them concise, compelling, and relevant to the page content. Include relevant keywords to improve the page's visibility in search results.

How should I structure headings for on-page SEO?

Use heading tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.) to structure your content logically. The H1 tag should contain the primary keyword and represent the main heading of the page. Subheadings (H2, H3, etc.) should be used to organize and divide the content into sections.

What is the significance of URL structure in on-page SEO?

URL structure plays a role in both user experience and SEO. Optimize URLs by making them descriptive, concise, and including relevant keywords. Use hyphens to separate words and avoid using complex, dynamically generated URLs.

How can I optimize images for on-page SEO?

Optimize images by reducing their file size without sacrificing quality, using descriptive filenames, and adding alt text that describes the image using relevant keywords. This helps search engines understand the content of the image and improves accessibility.

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