How to Sell Paintings and Make Money Online in 2023 - Expert Tips and Strategies

How to Sell Paintings and Make Money Online in 2023 - Expert Tips and Strategies

Date & Time
February 4, 2022
Reading time
5 Minute Read
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Divya Mallick

If you really want to sell paintings online, you need to take the time to find out what sells, what does not.

Many people fail because they think just putting a picture of a painting online is going to make them money. There are many factors as to what sells. You need to find out who the market is before you can know how to sell and market to them.

That is the first step to becoming a successful artist. You need to know who buys art. Are they police officers, firemen, business men, other painters, art lovers, etc. You need to know the age range and the income level of the people who buy art.

So Let’s start the journey of selling Paintings online.

1- Find your Niche :-

Most of the time many artisans are not sure about their styles. They experiment with different styles which is not the right approach to represent yourself in the market. So the first thing is to figure out your particular niche/style.

For example, choosing a specific style for illustration or hand lettering is one way to stay on target with projects, too. It may seem like this art has an endless amount of styles and options at first, but once you get down to it, there are only a select few that you’ll want to try and focus on.

For example, in hand-lettering, one major style would be sans serif. Additionally, there are many sub - or minor - styles that you could choose from – just like adding some effects! Playing with shadows, tweaking the perspective, or playing around with colours are great ways of showing off certain skills to customers looking for interesting art pieces to purchase. 

2- Know your target Audience :-

One of the important things to sell your product is knowing your audience. They are your target group or a potential buyer.

So first research their behaviour & interests. This will help you to represent your creatives in a better way as per your target group’s interests & behaviour. And slowly it will increase your revenue in this business.

For research, you can take help from your social & other platforms. Find out the questions or problems they are facing in your niche. And as per the research design your creatives.

Some platforms you can take reference for the queries like,

1- Quora


3- Google

4- Answer the public

3- Know your Competitors:-

Competitor research is very important for the growth of any business. Indirect competitors may not be a direct threat to your online business, but they are worth considering. This way, you can take advantage of their popularity. For direct competitors, SEO is a very effective tool to help you monitor your competitors and get an idea of how they work.

Find who the other people or artisans are selling similar products in your niche.

 You should take a look at the search ranking for the relevant keywords in your niche & find out which websites are ranking in this field. They are your competitors.

Visit your competitor's web pages & learn from them.

  • How they talk to their customers 
  • What are the pain points they are mentioning in their social post
  • What services & price they are offering
  • Read your competitors review  & testimonials
  • Collect emails of your target audiences

Once you notice all these points, try to design your products as per the points taken from your competitors.  

4-Reach Out To Potential Customers With Emails :-

Email marketing is very effective compared to other ways to reach your customer. So first, plan for an Email campaign & ask them to get the newsletter, tutorials by free signing-in or subscription. Then you can pitch them to buy from you.

While writing an email, please consider the following points for better results.

1- Write a catchy subject line

2- Personalized message & make it short

3- Add a CTA

5- Use Social Media for your Business :-

Social media is so powerful because it can connect people. If a product has a good social media presence, people will feel that the product is relevant to them (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter). It allows people to connect with friends, family, and even shows potential customers. Here are some points which describe why we should use social platforms?

1)Social media is free. A business can create an Instagram or Facebook page for free. Connect with different communities in your niche. Start helping other community members.

2) Social media is more engaging. Internet users are spending increasing amounts of time on social media, especially on sites like Facebook/Instagram. 

3) Social media is more participatory. Social media has put power in the hands of the consumer to make and influence business decisions, in addition to the power it puts in the hands of businesses to do the same.

6- Set the right Price:-

 Prices are an important element of Business, especially when you are trying to make a sale. Constant innovation and new product launches are great for keeping your customers interested and coming back for more.

When you sell online, make sure that you have set the right price. For that, you need to take care of the following things.

1- Compare the price of your competitor

2- Avoid low-value selling

3- Stand by the price always

7- Start your Online Store:-

One of the first things you can do to sell art online is to start your website. It builds your brand identity.

People would see you as more professional & serious which could potentially lead to more cash flow coming to your wallet.

So here is the good news for you. Typof is an eCommerce platform for artisans. Typof is specially designed to help artisans in their online growth. Here you can start your shop by just signing up. This is a very easy step. Then upload your artworks & start selling.

Also, they help to build your website. So in this way you can start your journey as an Artisans & sell your paintings online


Can I really make money selling paintings online in 2023?

Yes, it is definitely possible to make money selling paintings online in 2023. With the rise of online marketplaces and social media platforms, it has become easier than ever to showcase and sell your artwork to a global audience.

What kind of paintings sell best online?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the types of paintings that sell best online will depend on a number of factors, including the artist's style and subject matter, the current market trends, and the target audience. However, popular genres tend to include abstract art, landscapes, portraits, and still life paintings.

How do I price my paintings for sale online?

Pricing your paintings can be a challenging task, but it's important to ensure that you are pricing them fairly and competitively. You should take into consideration factors such as the size and complexity of the artwork, the materials used, and your level of experience and reputation as an artist. Researching the prices of similar works by other artists can also help you to determine a reasonable price range.

What are some effective strategies for promoting my paintings online?

There are many different strategies you can use to promote your paintings online, such as creating a strong social media presence, participating in online art communities and forums, showcasing your work on artist websites and galleries, and offering special deals and promotions to entice customers.

How can I build a successful online art business in 2023?

Building a successful online art business takes time, effort, and dedication. Some key steps you can take to increase your chances of success include creating a strong brand identity, building a loyal customer base through effective marketing and communication, continually creating new and engaging artwork, and staying up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in the online art market.

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